Service Impacting: YES
Maintenance Window(s): 9/21/2022 12:01am-6:00am and 9/22/2022 12:01am-6:00am
Outage Duration: 30 Minutes; however, the entire window is reserved for work.
Description of Work: Bloomingdale Communications will be performing maintenance to upgrade a core device within the network.
Bloomingdale Communications will be performing (2) instances of network maintenance. The maintenance being performed to our network will be service affecting. Customers will experience a brief outage during the network upgrade(s). Bloomingdale Communications is upgrading a core piece of equipment responsible for providing the data connection to our customers.
The 1st maintenance window is scheduled to begin at 12:01am on Wednesday 9/21/2022; This instance of network maintenance is scheduled to be completed by 6:00am. The 1st maintenance window will affect customers who subscribe to Bloomingdale Communications Television Service. Customers’ service should automatically restore, however, if service fails to automatically restore, customers can manually restore their service by power cycling their set top box(s). If service does not restore after manually power cycling the set top box(s), please contact our office at (269) 521-7300.
The 2nd maintenance window is scheduled to begin at 12:01am on Thursday 9/22/2022; This instance of network maintenance is scheduled to be completed by 6:00am. The 2nd maintenance window will affect customers who subscribe to Bloomingdale Communications Internet Service. Customers’ service should automatically restore, however, if service fails to automatically restore, customers can manually restore their service by power cycling their router. If service does not restore after manually power cycling the router, please contact our office at (269) 521-7300.
The maintenance window(s) are scheduled from 12:01am-6:00am, we do not anticipate needing the entire window, however, the entire window is reserved for work.
We appreciate your patience in advance and will do our best to perform the upgrades with as little interruption as possible.